As Pluto dips back into the sign of Capricorn for its final sojourn of any of our lifetimes I have found myself digging back into my past. Pluto is the planet of death and rebirth and its action can stimulate deep inner work. As it is situated at the furthest reach of our solar system Pluto takes the longest time of all the planets to orbit the Sun and therefore it is a seriously big deal in Astrogical circles when it shifts signs.
This year Pluto has been moving into and out of the sign Aquarius, my own Sun sign, almost flirtatiously. I don’t know if I am feeling this movement more because I am an Aquarian, or whether all sensitive people are noticing the back-and-forth energy. It feels like a fulcrum, there is a point of tension between the closing off an old chapter and fully opening the next phase. Potentially we are being gifted an opportunity for real transformation, very much in line with the New Age, the Age of Aquarius.
I wonder whether Pluto’s long transition is a preparation for the new energy it will bring when it takes up residence in its new home of Aquarius. Perhaps we need the back forth motion to encourage us to dig back through our personal archives, reclaim those valuable aspects which are worth taking forward into this next phase before we close off the old chapter? I’ve really felt this to the case over 2024 and I have been supported by Spirit with plenty of synchronicity. Here’s my latest experience:
I had an optician’s appointment in Brecon last week, a small Welsh town at the foot of the Brecon Beacons, or Bannau Brycheiniog, to give the National Park its proper name. I’d put a couple of hours parking on my car and was seen promptly, which gave me some free time to wander around. Spontaneously I decided to go and take a look at the museum which I hadn’t visited before. First I wandered through the gardens where the entrance is located and I arrived at this magnificent statue of Boadicea, or Boudicca as people often call her these days. For those that don’t know, Boadicea was a legendary warrior queen of the British Isles who led her tribe, the Iceni, against the might of the Roman army. What an incredible, inspiring and brave woman. We mustn't over-romanticise her; she was deadly to her enemies, notice her foot on the shield of a fallen Roman soldier.
I have noticed that when I let myself go with the flow interesting things happen – I see it as allowing the Universe to come in and work its magic! It feels good to set myself free from my busy schedule and meander from time to time with no specific agenda. As soon as I set foot in the museum I heard my name called and there was a friend of mine which was an added bonus.
Cut to this week. I have been pondering my past, not the parts that needed healing, I've worked diligently with those aspects over the years, but having an awareness of the amazing, inspiring and extraordinary woman that I have not spent so much time recognising and appreciating.
I was shown myself in my twenties filled with strong ideals and passion for the world. I was shown a determined young woman who stood as a candidate for the Green Party. Being photographed for the front of the Leicester Mercury taking part in a CND silent candlelit protest on the eve of the first Gulf War - I dug out the paper, slightly yellowed, from the memory trunk I keep. The kids at school loved this one, they pinned the front page to the school entrance noticeboard next day.
This passionate, young, caring, inspiring, idealistic and daring part of me is not to go spinning off into the past as Pluto makes it’s final transit into Aquarius on 19th November for the next 20 plus years. She's still very much a part of me, her idealistic nature may have been tempered by life lessons, but she's coming along on the journey!
This morning I was looking back at the photo I took of Boadicea’s statue and considering whether to share her image on social media. I choose my daily tarot card, at the moment I am using my original Thoth deck, which was my original tarot deck, the one I used through my twenties. Out came the Queen of Swords, which gave me my confirmation; people need to see this brave and inspirational warrior queen who led her people by the courage of her convictions.
The Queen of Swords holds her sword in one hand and the severed head of her enemy the other. Like Boadicea she can be brutal, but she can also cut out the enemy within, excise the self-doubt, the self-criticism, the ‘am I really good enough?’ voice, and she can remove the nay-sayers from your life, the energy drains, the distractions and the blockages that stop you living authentically from your core, living your purpose. Her sword needs wielding with care, but I see her as a clear minded ally. The card confirmed the deep sorting process I have been going through this year - perhaps it speaks to you too?
Pictured looking from a high vantage point enthroned on the clouds, her head resting on huge crystals, the Queen of Swords sees the bigger picture and can help us look from a similarly detached perspective, helping us to sort through our life events, to clear out the debris we have accumulated, so that we are left looking at the gold and jewels of our life experience, appreciating our accomplishments.
I’ll be talking a little more about this process on Wednesday when I’ll be holding a Full Moon gathering on Zoom: 18th September at 7pm UK time. This is a free event, however you'll need to be a part of my Community to receive your Zoom link, sign up here.
If you are interested in using the Tarot for personal insight and guidance I have an online Tarot day running via Zoom on Saturday 5th October. Places are £60, contact me to book.
My online Moon Circle will open its doors for 2025 soon. This is a closed Women’s Circle, you commit to Circle for the year ahead. Interested? You’ll have priority booking through my Community newsletter.